Sat.1 - Show Package
Plötzlich Arm, Plötzlich Reich / On Air Design
sat.1 —
tv show
In Mai 2018, the german TV channel Sat.1 launched a new tv programme "Plötzlich Arm, Plötzlich Reich". What happens, if two families with completely different income change their homes, lives and habits as well as their household budget for one week? The programme focuses on the challenges of the exchange between the rich and poor worlds.
I was responsible for the whole design package of this new TV programme. From the logo design, to the show opener and closer, I designed all packaging elements as well as the on air promotion. The logo represents the change of the two worlds, expressing them in two different typefaces, enclosed with two rotating arrows. For the show opening, my idea was to use the popular split screen effect, opposing the two worlds poor and rich. Therefore I designed contrasting worlds, showing details of their homes, such as items, furniture, food and more.
Concept / Logo / Animation / VFX & Postproduction / Show Package Production and On Air Promotion made by me.
Logo Design
Motion Design
2D Animation
VFX & Postproduction